How to use...
The Word #16
by Kei/Crn
First of load the magazine (it tends to help).
The Menu Bar...
The menu has been changed since issue 15. I got bored with those big
blocky icons so I changed them to words and made everything more
colourfull. You might not like this change however so please tell us if
so and what changes should be made. We appreciate ANY feedback.
The menu bar (that thing at the bottom of the screen) controls both the
menu and the text articles that you load, the buttons are...
Menu Returns you to the main menu if viewing an article.
Shortcut - <ESC>
Prefs Takes you to the prefs screen where you can change the
environment controls, look and sound.
Shortcut - "?"
Up Scrolls up through the current article/menu.
Shortcut - Up Cursor (slow), SHIFT+Up Cursor (fast)
CTRL+Up Cursor (Jump to top)
Tip - You can use RMB and LMB as well. Try "T" key.
Down Scrolls down through the current article/menu.
Shortcut - Down Cursor (slow), SHIFT+Down Cursor (fast)
CTRL+Down Cursor (Jump to bottom)
Tip - You can use RMB and LMB as well. Try "B" key.
Load Load current file under highlighted bar.
Shortcut - <ENTER>
Quit Return to ADOS. Works from main menu only.
Shortcut - <F10>
Function Keys
F1 - Main Menu - Toggle Colour on/off
Article - Toggle Colout on/off
F2 - Main Menu - Rotating Logo on/off
- Article - Rotating Logo on/off
F3 - Main Menu - Slider on/off
- Article - Slider on/off
F4 - Reserved
- Reserved
F10 - Main Menu - Quit to DOS
Image files
Cursor Left - Pictures - Previous Picture (if any)
Cursor Right- Pictures - Next Picture (if any)
Esc - Pictures - Return to Main Menu (If more than one)
- Prefs - Return to Main Menu or Article
Any Key - Pictures - Return to Main Menu (If single pic)
The Slider
From issue 11 there's a natty little slider bar on the right hand side
of the screen, you can use this to move to any position in the file by
simply clicking on it with your mouse and dragging it up and down. Note
that the dragbar *DOESN'T* alter it's size to indicate how long the
article is, sorry!
The Prefs Screen
The preferences section displays options for changing several attributes
about the way The Word is running, they are as follows:
Music - 1/2/Off - Set music, choice of 2 mods
Speed - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 - Speed of article scroll
Colour - 1/2/3/4/5 - Pre-Defined colour palettes
Font - 1/2/3/4 - 4 different 8-point fonts.
System Clock
A new feature in The Word. Press <R> at any time to reset the clock.